Stadi za Kiswahili Shughuli za Lugha Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi 3
Stadi za Kiswahlli ni Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 3 ni kitabu cha ziada kilichoandakwa kwa mujibu wa mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi uliozinduliwa na Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) mnamo Septemba 2017. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha mada zote kuu na ndogo zilizomo katika ruwaza ya mtalaa ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 3. Isitoshe, mada kuu na ndogo zimepangwa kulingana na jinsi zilivyopongwa katika ruwaza hiyo. Fauka ya haya, yaliyomo yamewasitishwa kwa ubunifu wa hali ya juu kuyaoanisha na umilisi wa kimsingi, masuala mtambuko, maadili miongoni mwa masuala mengine yanayofumbatwa na mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha shughuli za aina nyingi za kufanywa na mwanafunzi binafsi, wanafunzi wawili wawili na makundi ya wanafunzi. Kazi na shughuli za wanafunzi wawiliwawili na wanafunzi katika makundi zinadhamiriwa kuimarisha stadi za kusikitiza na kuzungumza na vilevile umilisi wa ushirikiano na mawasiliano. Aidha, kitabu hiki kimesheheni vifungu vya kusoma na vya kuchangamsha vitakavyomsaidia mwanafunzi kuimarisha stadi ya kusoma. Stadi ya kuandika haijaachwa nyuma. Kitabu kinazo shughuli za kutosha za mwanafunzi iii kustawisha stadi ya kuandika.
KShs370.00 -
Longhorn Movement Activities GD3 Teachers
Longhorn Movement Activities is a new series of books based on the new competency-based curriculum. The books promote the acquisition of core competencies, relevant skills, positive attitudes and values for life and practical application of the knowledge gained in class.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are captured in the book as given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners for a responsible response to t.heir needs in the society.
KShs480.00Longhorn Movement Activities GD3 Teachers
KShs480.00 -
OUP Everyday Hygiene & Nutrition Teachers Guide Grade 3
Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a new series for the new competency-based curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge. skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at enabling learners to acquire the core competences, values. and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs).
This Teacher’s Guide has a wealth of practical activities for developing the core competences in learners. It supports teachers by offering:
• a detailed introduction to the new competency-based curriculum
• comprehensive teaching guidelines/lesson development for the lessons
• a detailed work schedule to help the teacher pace the lessons
a sample lesson presentation to assist the teacher to plan the lessons
helpful hints on class management. group work and differentiated learning
detailed assessment assistance.
Together. the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the new competency-based curriculum.
Oxford, your companion for success!KShs430.00 -
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Teachers Guide Grade 3
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of science. social studies and agriculture skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series have a range of activities that learners will find and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competencies. values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PC Is).
Oxford, your companion for success!
KShs420.00 -
KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 3 Teachers’ Guide (Approved)
by Okemba Lore, Gerard Motondi, Margaret Atieno, Elizabeth Muriuki
KLB Visionary Art and Craft Activities Grade three Teacher’s Guide is designed to assist the teacher deliver the new grade 3 Competence Based Curriculum. It provides the most suitable approach in the coverage of the Strands and Sub-strands prescribed in the curriculum design through a wide and varied range of activities to ensure all the core values and links to other activity areas are brought out as spelt out in the curriculum design. The teacher’s guide has clearly highlighted all the pertinent and contemporary issues that are of relevance to the activity area. The whole approach is aimed at equipping the learner with 21st century skills. The guide effectively assists the teacher in lesson preparation, presentation and assessment; and suggests practical activities and accompanying resources as required. The teacher will fi7ld the guide very useful in the delivery of this new inquiry based curriculum.
KShs385.00 -
JKF Foundation Art & Craft activities Teachers’ Guide Grade 3 (Approved)
by Johana O. Osako, Dorcas A. Okoyo
Art and Craft Activities Grade 3 is the third book in a series of three books covering the new competence-based curriculum of Art and Craft Activities in Early Years Education. This book has been written in conformity with the curriculum design, as developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It is intended for use as a teacher’s guide for Grade 3. It contains a rich variety of carefully selected learning experiences that will effectively achieve the learning outcomes. Every effort has been made to ensure the learning of Art and Craft Activities is not only meaningful to the learner’s day-to-day life, but is also fun and interesting. A deliberate effort has also been made to change learners’ behaviour through the various learning experiences. This should enable the learners to apply these experiences in their day to day life.
KShs0.00 -
Siri Sirini mtihani wa mwanamke kitabu cha 3
by Rocha M.Chimerah,
Siri Sirini Mtihani wa Mwanamke Kitabu cha 3- ni riwaya ya mwisho katika msururu wa riwaya tatu za Siri Sirini. Ni ufichuzi wa siri iliyotanda katika kitabu cha 1 na cha 2.
KShs740.00Siri Sirini mtihani wa mwanamke kitabu cha 3
KShs740.00 -
Brighter Grammar Book 3
in this book special attention is paid to the formation and use of the various tenses of the verb. Other points also dealt with are: Pronouns, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative; Adverbs, of degree, of  quantity, interrogative adverbs, comparison of adverbs, adverbs and prepositions; • Verbs, mood voice;  Sentences, simple, compound, complex;  Clauses, principal, adjective, adverb, noun; Direct and Indirect speech. As in oil books, there are numerous exercises on every section of the work.
KShs950.00Brighter Grammar Book 3
KShs950.00 -
Distinction Shughuli za Kiswahili Workbook Grade 3
DISTINCTION KISWAHILI WORKBOOK GREDI YA 3 kimeandikwa kumsaidia mwanafunzi na mwalimu. Kimezingatia stadi za lugha nne: Kusikiliza na kuzungumza, Kusoma Kuandika na Sarufi. Katika kiwango hiki, ni muhimu mwanafunzi kujenga na kukuza stadi za lugha hizi ili kujiamini na kukomaa katika Kiswahili.
KShs500.00 -
KLB Tusome Early Years Education Mathematics Grade 3
by KLB
This book has been developed for use by learners in Grade 3.
This book has:
-Covered all the concepts in the mathematics curriculum design for grade 3.
-Identified lessons for each week
-Variety of examples and activities
-Variety of strategies for working out questions
-Clear illustrations
KShs360.00 -
Distinction Mathematics Workbook Grade 3
Distinction Mathematics Grade 3 Workbook has been authored by competent and experienced teachers in Kenya. The authors organised the Mathematical concepts and skills systematically to provide logical understanding to the user.
The language used in this book is simple and precise. The learning experiences in this book are within the level of the learner. It provides the right prerequisite skills, values and attitude to prepare the learner for subsequent level of learning.
KShs480.00Distinction Mathematics Workbook Grade 3