Mentor Music Activities Grade 3
MENTOR Music Activities Grade 3 workbook is fully in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for a Lower Primary Learner. This book has been authored by teachers with a wide experience in Early Years Education in leading schools across Kenya.
KShs550.00Mentor Music Activities Grade 3
KShs550.00 -
Moran Beginning Art and Craft Grade 3
Beginning Art and Craft is a day-to-day fun and learn activity book. The book is carefully prepared to enable the learners enjoy as they further their competencies, skills, and understanding of all the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design. Peer assessment activities have deliberately been included in the book to enable learners to engage in active learning and develop their ability to reflect on what they learn as they learn from others. This platform is one way of developing numerous competencies and skills through the various activities. With Beginning Art and Craft, it is learning, growing, and having fun.
KShs500.00Moran Beginning Art and Craft Grade 3
KShs500.00 -
Moran Beginning Music Grade 3
Beginning Music is a day-to-day fun and learn activity book. The book is carefully prepared to enable the learners to enjoy as they further their competencies, skills, and understanding of all the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design. Peer assessment activities have deliberately been included in the book to enable learners to engage in active learning and develop their ability to reflect on what they learn as they learn from others. This platform is one way of developing numerous competencies and skills through various activities. With Beginning Music, it is learning, growing, and having fun.
KShs495.00Moran Beginning Music Grade 3
KShs495.00 -
Mentor Movement Activities Grade 3
MENTOR Movement Activities Grade 3 workbook is fully in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for a Lower Primary Learner. This book has been authored by teachers with a wide experience in Early Years Education in leading schools across Kenya.
KShs450.00Mentor Movement Activities Grade 3
KShs450.00 -
Kielekezi cha Marudio ya Kiswahili 3
by A.litinyu, C.Kiini, M.Kemunto, N.Musyimi.
KIELEKEZI cha Marudio ya Kiswahili 3 kimeandikwa Hi kuwasaidia wanafunzi wa shule za msingi nchini Kenya kufanya marudio ya silabasi ya Kiswahili ya darasa la tatu.KIELEKEZI cha Marudio ya Kiswahili 3:Kimezingatia kikamilifu silabasi ya Kiswahili ya darasa la tatu kama ilivyoandikwa na Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitalaa ya Kenya.Kimewasilisha yaliyomo katika lugha nyepesi ambayo mwanafunzi anaweza kuelewa kwa urahisi. Kimetumia michoro mbalimbali ya kuvutia na inayofafanua yaliyomo.Kina zoezi moja au zaidi mwishoni mwa kila mada ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio ya mada hiyo.Kina zoezi moja la jumla mwishoni mwa kila sura ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio ya sura yote.Kina karatasi nne za marudio kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio ya silabasi yote ya darasa la tatu na kujiandaa vilivyo kwa mtihani wake.Kimepangwa kwa utaratibu na ubunifu mkubwa ili kunasa akili za mwanafunzi.Kina majibu katika kijitabu tofauti ambacho kinajumuisha majibu ya maswali yote ya Somo la Kiingereza, Somo la Kiswahili, Somo la Hisabati, Somo la Sayansi, Somo la Jamii na Somo la Dini. Lengo la hatua hii ni kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya kazi yake bila ya au kabla ya kutazama majibu na wala sio kunakili majibu tu.
KShs550.00Kielekezi cha Marudio ya Kiswahili 3
KShs550.00 -
Distinction Hygiene and Nutrition Workbook Grade 3
Distinction Hygiene and Nutrition Workbook for Grade 3 is an exceptional workbook that conforms to the Competency Based Curriculum. it has been well-researched and skillfully authored by an experienced teacher in Kenya. This workbook has interactive and involving questions and assessment exercises. This will lay a strong foundation and support in the acquisition of the required concepts, skills, core competencies, values and attitudes.
KShs460.00 -
Eliana Binti Mfalme na Hadithi Nyingine level 3
Eliana Binti Mfalme ni hadithi yenye upekee wa kupigiwa mfano. Hadithi hii ni teule miongoni mwa hadithi nyingine nyingi, inayomfunza mwanafunzi msomaji umuhimu wa maadili. Ni hadithi inayosimulia kisa cha Eliana, ambaye ni binti wa mfalme. Marafiki zake Eliana wanampangia njama ya kumuumiza kutokana na roho zao za wivu.Je,ni nini kinatokea mwishoni?
KShs310.00 -
JKF Foundation Environmental Activities Grade 2 (Approved)
This is the second book in the exciting series of Foundation Environmental Activities. The Book is specifically designed for use by Grade 2 learners as a coursebook.
Its special features include: .
* Adequate syllabus coverage in line with the competence-based curriculum.
* A variety of interactive activities that make learning interesting and enjoyable.
* Simple and appropriate language with a variety of colorful illustrations.
*Â A style and design that promotes ease of use.
KShs450.00 -
Distinction English Workbook Grade 3 (Approved)
Distinction English Workbook is a unique book that is aimed at giving the learner an exposure to a wide range of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) activities. It has a variety of well-thought of tasks that will offer the learner an opportunity to develop the core competencies and acquire the core values stipulated in the CBC English designs. In addition, the content in this book has factored in Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCI) hence preparing the learners to be responsible citizens. The experiences have been skillfull developed in tandem with the thematic approach that has been recommended for learners at this level and as outlined by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).
KShs450.00 -
Stadi za Kiswahili Shughuli za Lugha Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi 3
Stadi za Kiswahlli ni Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 3 ni kitabu cha ziada kilichoandakwa kwa mujibu wa mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi uliozinduliwa na Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) mnamo Septemba 2017. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha mada zote kuu na ndogo zilizomo katika ruwaza ya mtalaa ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 3. Isitoshe, mada kuu na ndogo zimepangwa kulingana na jinsi zilivyopongwa katika ruwaza hiyo. Fauka ya haya, yaliyomo yamewasitishwa kwa ubunifu wa hali ya juu kuyaoanisha na umilisi wa kimsingi, masuala mtambuko, maadili miongoni mwa masuala mengine yanayofumbatwa na mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha shughuli za aina nyingi za kufanywa na mwanafunzi binafsi, wanafunzi wawili wawili na makundi ya wanafunzi. Kazi na shughuli za wanafunzi wawiliwawili na wanafunzi katika makundi zinadhamiriwa kuimarisha stadi za kusikitiza na kuzungumza na vilevile umilisi wa ushirikiano na mawasiliano. Aidha, kitabu hiki kimesheheni vifungu vya kusoma na vya kuchangamsha vitakavyomsaidia mwanafunzi kuimarisha stadi ya kusoma. Stadi ya kuandika haijaachwa nyuma. Kitabu kinazo shughuli za kutosha za mwanafunzi iii kustawisha stadi ya kuandika.
KShs370.00 -
Longhorn Movement Activities GD3 Teachers
Longhorn Movement Activities is a new series of books based on the new competency-based curriculum. The books promote the acquisition of core competencies, relevant skills, positive attitudes and values for life and practical application of the knowledge gained in class.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are captured in the book as given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners for a responsible response to t.heir needs in the society.
KShs480.00Longhorn Movement Activities GD3 Teachers
KShs480.00 -
OUP Everyday Hygiene & Nutrition Teachers Guide Grade 3
Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a new series for the new competency-based curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge. skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at enabling learners to acquire the core competences, values. and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs).
This Teacher’s Guide has a wealth of practical activities for developing the core competences in learners. It supports teachers by offering:
• a detailed introduction to the new competency-based curriculum
• comprehensive teaching guidelines/lesson development for the lessons
• a detailed work schedule to help the teacher pace the lessons
a sample lesson presentation to assist the teacher to plan the lessons
helpful hints on class management. group work and differentiated learning
detailed assessment assistance.
Together. the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the new competency-based curriculum.
Oxford, your companion for success!KShs430.00