Living Together Social Studies 8 by Zavani
The following outstanding features make the Longman Living Together Social Studies series easy to teach and-easy to use
- Updated to reflect the needs of the new constitution
- New borders of Sudan for relevant teaching
- Simple and concise language that the pupils can read on their own
- New words section at the end of every unit for easy recall
- Lively, full-colour pictures to add meaning to what has been taught
- Practical activities to illustrate key concepts taught
- Exercises, revision questions and test papers to aid in exam practice
- A Pupil’s Checklist at the end of every unit for revision
- An accompanying Teacher’s Guide with answers and curriculum information.
KShs690.00Living Together Social Studies 8 by Zavani
KShs690.00 -
Primary Social Studies Std 8 by Omwoyo
by Omwoyo
KLBKShs700.00Primary Social Studies Std 8 by Omwoyo
KShs700.00 -
Progressive Primary Maths Std 8 by Amanya
by Amanya
Progressive Primary Mathematics for Standard 8 as a new coursehock that ccmprehensively covers the new syllabus. The book has clear. full-calour Illustrations that make it attractive and learner friendly. It has a simple design that enables the pupil to use it even without the close supervision of the teacher. There are plenty at varied exercises throughout the book .There are also brief introduction notes in each topic that help the learner to pay special attention to the main concepts of the topic. The book s authored by practising teachers, curriculum developers and examiners who have given a pratical approach to learning and teaching mathematics.KShs705.00Progressive Primary Maths Std 8 by Amanya
KShs705.00 -
Primary Mathematics Std 8
This new edition is the eighth book in the new series of Primary Mathematics. The coursebook is intended for use by Standard 8 pupils. It has been revised and expanded to reflect new development and it is therefore more exhaustive, more useful than ever before, The unique strength of the book lies in the following areas:
- Adequate coverage of the syllabus concepts and skills with a strong activity orientation,
- A variety of examples enclosed in coloured frames to promote self-study and ease of use.
- A variety of exercises that test the understanding of every concept and skill learnt.
- Revision exercises consolidating the topics covered and supplementary exercises for remedial work.
The book comes with a separate, comprehensive teacher’s guide and a Standard 8 mathematics workbook,
KShs744.00Primary Mathematics Std 8
KShs744.00 -
Kiswahili Mufti Kioo cha Mtihani Mwongozo wa Mwalimu by Joseph Mwamburi, Wallah …
by Joseph Mwamburi, Wallah Bin Wallah
Kiswahili Mufti 8: Mwongozo we Mwalimu unampa mwalimu maelezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafakaza kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini vipindi vya Kiswahili darasani. Mwongozo huu mpana sana unampa mwalimu maelekezo mwafaka yatakayomwezesha kuviandaa na kuviendesha vizuri vipindi vinavyoshughulikia vipengele vifuatavyo:
Mwongozo huu una mifano mwafaka ya maazimio ya kazi na ratilp ya vipindi itakayomwongoza mwalimu kuzingatia mbinu zifaazo za kutekeleza malengo yote ya somo. Pia, una majibu ya maswali yote yaliyomo kwenye kitabu cha wanafunzi.KShs744.00 -
Kiswahili Mufti Darasa la 8 by Wallah
by Wallah
Toleo hili la Kiswahili Mufti 8 linatimiza kikamilifu mahitaji na mada zote za silabasi mpya iliyoanza kutekelezwa shuleni kuanzia 2003. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa uangalifu mkubwa ili kiweze kueleweka vizuri zaidi na wanafunzi wote kutoka mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika katika vifungu vya ufahamu unaafikiana vyema zaidi na uwezo wa lugha wa wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Toleo hili limeshughulikia kikamilifu maswala ibuka kama vile teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano, katiba, rajua ya 2030, ufisadi na athari zake mbaya, mazingira, haki za watoto, UKIMWI, jinsia na maadili.KShs750.00Kiswahili Mufti Darasa la 8 by Wallah
KShs750.00 -
Mentor Topical KCPE Encyclopedia by “Mugo, Maina”
by J.Mwangi, P.M. Warutere, L.N, Mwaura
The MENTOR Topical KCPE Encyclopedia:
– ls a comprehensive revision series that has questions covering classes 4 to 8-syllabus as set out by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).
– Has involved extensive research by the contributing authors, thus includes revision questions covering contemporary issues in the current society.
– Systematically covers topical questions to help the learners thoroughly revise for the KCPE examinations.
– Has presented the questions in a simplified language that is easy for the learner to understand.KShs780.00 -
Mazoezi na Marudio Mufti ya Kiswahili 8 by Wallah Bin Wallah
by Wallah Bin Wallah
Mazoezi na Marudio Mufti ya Kiswahili, Darasa la 8 ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa weledi mkuu kwa madhumuni ya kumwandaa na kumnoa mwanafunzi anayejitayarisha kwa mtihani wa somo la Kiswahili – K.C.P.E. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa kuzingatia silabasi mpya ya shuleza msingi. Kinalenga kuhamasisha na kupiga msasa usasa wa kutoa mazoezi na marudio kwa wanafunzi na wote wanaosoma lugha ya Kiswahili katika Afrika Mashariki, ujirani wake na kote ulimwenguni.Kitabu hiki kimezingatia msamiati mwafaka na sahihi, miundo, mitindo na mbinu zinazotumiwa katika kuandaa na kutahini somo la Kiswahili katika ngazi ya K.C.P.E.Kwa mwalimu, kitabu hiki chenye karatasi themanini (80) za maswali ya mazoezi ya K.C.P.E pamoja na majibu yake ni nyenzo ya kipekee ya kuwatathmini, kuwaboresha na kuwaandaa wanafunzi kwa mtihani wa kitaifa. Katika maswali haya mna mazoezi ya mazoea, uzoefu na kuzoesha ili mwanafunzi au yeyote akitumiaye kitabu hiki apate kichocheo, mwamko na hamu kiasi cha kwamba akimaliza zoezi moja aendelee kufanya jingine na jingine hadi ajikute amekuwa mzoefu wa mazoea ya kufanya mazoezi ya Kiswahili Mufti.Vivuto na vivutio halisi katika kitabu hiki ni jinsi maswali yalivyoulizwa kwa namna ya kuchangamsha na kudadisisha. Fauka ya hayo, vifungu vya ufahamu vina upekee kwa maana ya kuhekimisha, kushajiisha, kunasihi na kuarifisha, kwa maarifa kemkemu.KShs780.00 -
Kiswahili Sanifu Darasa la 8 by Bakhressa
by Bakhressa
Kiswahili Sanifu (toleo jipya) ni kozi inayotokana na utafiti wa kina kuhusu mahitaji ya wanafunzi wa shule za msingi katika kujifunza lugha ya Kiswahili. Kozi hii itawawezesha wanafunzi kuinua viwango vyao vya msamiati. Pia itawapa fursa ya kupata na kutumia katika maisha yao maarifa mbalimbali watakayojifunza. Isitoshe, kozi hii itawapa nafasi ya kusoma kwa matengo anuwai na kujieleza kikamilifu wakitumia lugha ya Kiswahili sanifu.KShs784.00Kiswahili Sanifu Darasa la 8 by Bakhressa
KShs784.00 -
Our Lives Today Social Studies Std 8 by Kamau
Our Lives Today: Social Studies is an innovation series that exhaustively addresses the objectives and requirements of the revised Social Studies syllabus. The series combines knowledge acquisition with fun elements to deliver an exciting learning experience. Developed by a team of subject experts and experienced teachers, this series aims at moulding learners that are well prepared for examinations and confident in their knowledge of the environment.
Our Lives Today: Social Studies 8 offers:
- An integrated approach with links to other learning areas and to everyday life.
- Interactive activities and exercises that stimulate learners’ interest.
- A wide range of sharp and clear maps, illustrations and photographs in full colour.
- Â An attractive, relaxed design and layout.
KShs790.00 -
Dira ya Kiswahili Marejeleo Kamili ya KCPE by Wafula wa Wafula, Vidija…
by Wafula wa Wafula, Vidijah Dalizu, Muriuki Gikunju
DIRA YA kISWAHILIÂ Kimeandikwa kumsaidia mwanafunzi na mwalimu. Kimezingatia stadi za lugha tano:
Kusikiliza na kuongea, Kusoma, Sarufi, Msamiati na Kuandika.
Katika kiwango hiki, ni muhimu mwanafunzi kujenga na kukuza stadi za lugha ili kujiamini na kukomaa katika Kiswahili.
muundo wa kitabu
1. Kuna sura 15: Kila sura ina sehemu ya Kusikiliza na kuongea, kusoma, Kuandika, Sarufi na Msamiati.
2. Baada ya kila sura kuna kibindo cha maswali. Sehemu hii imejumlisha maswali kutoka sehemu mbalimbali na yanakuza stadi za lugha.
3. Mwisho wa kila sura kuna Majaribio.
4. Kuna mihula mitatu.
5. Mwisho ni Malibu ya mazoezi na majaribio ya mitihani yote.KShs790.00