A Fool’s Money and other Stories Grade 5
by Storymoja
Okal wants to make money. Will he be able to? Gitonga’s donkey is flogged mercilessly. Who will come to it’s rescue? Alupe agrees to eat sweet groundnut cake. What happens to him? Aluku and Naliaka set a trap to catch the night runner. How does that go? Read these stories to follow the different characters and learn important lessons about gambling, animal rights, kindness, and obedience.
KShs500.00A Fool’s Money and other Stories Grade 5
KShs500.00 -
Bluespark CBC Assessment Book Grade 5
KShs270.00 -
Bookmark Art and Craft Teacher’s Grade 5 (Approved)
by C.Mavyala, M.Nthenya and K.Kanogu
Congratulations for choosing this amazing Book, This will help learners to lay a firm and lasting creative foundation in understanding art and craft as they prepare for Junior Secondary school. The activities in the book are easy to use and are carefully designed to enhance the appreciation of indigenous artistic cultural heritage.
This teacher’s guide is available to ensure that the learner achieves the best of the activities provided in the book. The instructions in this teacher’s guide indicate how each activity can be developed in order to make the most of the activities in the Learners’s book.
Our authors have vast experience in teaching and preparing educational Art and craft material at various levels of art education
KShs620.00 -
Brain Sharpener of French students Std 5
Brain Sharpener of French students Std 5 is a French book that makes learning French easier through its step-by-step skill-building. Through varied interactive activities and clear grammar explanations, the text helps students communicate effectively in French. This book is a complete guide for primary students, beginners and advancing students
KShs780.00Brain Sharpener of French students Std 5
KShs780.00 -
Dira ya kiswahili Marejeleo Kamili ya Kiswahili 5
by Wafula Wa Wafula, Vidijah Dalizu
DIRA YA kISWAHILIÂ Kimeandikwa kumsaidia mwanafunzi na mwalimu. Kimezingatia stadi za lugha tano:
Kusikiliza na kuongea, Kusoma, Sarufi, Msamiati na Kuandika.
Katika kiwango hiki, ni muhimu mwanafunzi kujenga na kukuza stadi za lugha ili kujiamini na kukomaa katika Kiswahili.
muundo wa kitabu
1. Kuna sura 15: Kila sura ina sehemu ya Kusikiliza na kuongea, kusoma, Kuandika, Sarufi na Msamiati.
2. Baada ya kila sura kuna kibindo cha maswali. Sehemu hii imejumlisha maswali kutoka sehemu mbalimbali na yanakuza stadi za lugha.
3. Mwisho wa kila sura kuna Majaribio.
4. Kuna mihula mitatu.
5. Mwisho ni Malibu ya mazoezi na majaribio ya mitihani yote.
KShs630.00 -
Distinction Competency Based Encyclopedia Grade 5
KShs1,400.00Distinction Competency Based Encyclopedia Grade 5
KShs1,400.00 -
Distinction English Grade 5 (Approved)
Distinction English Grade 5 Learner’s Book is a course book written in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. The concepts in the book are presented in logical sequence to equip the learner with the necessary knowledge, skills values and attitudes. It provides a link between the previously learnt concepts and also prepares the learner for subsequent levels of learning.
KShs1,400.00Distinction English Grade 5 (Approved)
KShs1,400.00 -
Distinction Kipeo cha Insha Workbook Grade 5
KIPEO CHA INSHA Gredi ya Tano ni kitabu cha ziada kilichoandikwa kwa mujibu wa Mtaala mpya wa Umilisi. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha mada zote za uandishi zilizomo katika ruwaza ya mtaala. Yaliyomo yamewasilishwa kwa ubunifu wa hali ya juu. Umilisi wa kimsingi ambao umezingatiwa ni masuala mtambuko, maadili miongoni mwa masuala mengine. Kitabu hiki kina shughuli mbalimbali za kufanywa na mwanafunzi binafsi, wawiliwawili na katika vikundi.
KShs650.00Distinction Kipeo cha Insha Workbook Grade 5
KShs650.00 -
Distinction Kipeo cha Kiswahili Grade 5 (Approved)
KIPEO CHA KISWAHILI GREDI YA 5 kimeandikwa kwa ajili ya mwanafunzi wa lugha ya Kiswahili katika shule ya msingi daraja la juu ili kujenga stadi na umahiri ufaao wa kuwasiliana, kutangamana na kushiriki katika miktadha mbalimbali ya kitaifa, kikanda na kimataifa kwa kutumia lughakuzungumza n@ kuandika. Hali hii inatokana na mabadiliko katika Mfumo wa elimu wa 8-4-4- hadi wa Umilisi nchini Kenya.
KShs0.00 -
Distinction Mathematics Grade 5 (Approved)
Distinction Mathematics Grade 5 Learner’s Book is a course book written in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. The concepts in the book are presented in logical sequence to equip the learner with the necessary knowledge, skills values and attitudes. It provides a link between the previously learnt concepts and also prepares the learner for subsequent levels of learning.
KShs589.00Distinction Mathematics Grade 5 (Approved)