God and Us CRE Std 8
God and Us, Pupil’s Book for Standard 8 is part of a series designed to cover the Primary Christian Religious Education syllabus. It has chapters, each with exercises, activities and revision questions that will help pupils revise as well as consolidate what they have learnt. Attractive illustrations have been used to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the text. The use of the Life Approach Method helps the pupils to apply what they learn to their daily lives.
KShs400.00God and Us CRE Std 8
KShs400.00 -
Good Neighbours CRE Std 8 by Wanda
by Wanda
Good Neighbours is a course that has been developed following the new Christian Religious Education syllabus (2002). This book is presented in simple and clear language. Activities and memory verses are used at the end of each lesson to reinforce what has been learnt. in addition to this, common real life situations are used as examples and they help bring the lessons being taught to focus.KShs440.00Good Neighbours CRE Std 8 by Wanda
KShs440.00 -
Good News Bible
For over twenty-five years the Good News Bible has been the most popular, truly easy-to-read Bible, offering a trustworthy translation based on the best original Greek and Hebrew sources. Ideal for the individual reader and used in thousands of schools and churches.
KShs1,250.00Good News Bible
KShs1,250.00 -
Growing up: A Girl’s through puberty by Wambui
by Wambui
Puberty – it’s crazy time.
Pimples, breast, hair “in new places”, and your mood is swinging all over the place. “What in the world is happening”? Are you suddenly feeling too short or too tall compared to your friends, and you feel like the odd one out? It just doesn’t seem fair! Welcome to Puberty. Puberty can be an exciting period. It can also be confusing, uncomfortable and even anxiety provoking at times. Some girls dread it, others cannot wait and yet others feel both ways! But nevertheless, all girls go through puberty. This handbook equips young girls with the information they need to navigate puberty. It is based on the questions and concerns young girls have about the physical and emotional changes that are associated with this stage of development.KShs480.00 -
High Flyer Series KCPE Combined Encyclopaedia Std 8
High Flyer Series KCPE Combined Encyclopaedia Std 8
KShs950.00 -
KCPE Distinction Simplified Maths Std 8
K.C.P.E. DISTINCTION SIMPLIFIED MATHEMATICS for standard 8 is a topical revision book specifically for learners who are about to sit for K.C.P.E. Specifically this book enables
The main features in this book include:
The 4 optional choices given are challenging in similar format as set in K.C.P.E. This DISTINCTION-SIMPLIFIED book therefore reinforces the basic mathematical concepts and skills learned that are pertinent to enabling the candidate be more ready for any challenging topics in K.C.P.E. It is my sincere hope that the learner will get this revision book helpful that will enable the pupil to add value to his/ her work.KShs630.00KCPE Distinction Simplified Maths Std 8
KShs630.00 -
Kiswahili kwa darasa la 8
Hili ni toleo la pili la Kiswahili kwa Darasa la Nane. Kitabu hiki. cha wanafunzi ni cha nane katika mfululizo wa vitabu vinane vya lugha ya Kiswahili kwa shule za msingi. Kitabu hiki kimezingatia kwa kina na kwa namna ya kipekee mada zote zilizomo katika silabasi ya Kiswahili ya 2002 kwa Darasa la Nane. Katika toleo hili, masuala nyeti yameshughulikiwa kwa uketo na usasa kama vile utaratibu wa ngeli kwa kuzingatia upatanisho wa viambishi kisarufi. Masuala ibuka kama vile haki za watoto, mazingira, UKIMWI, uadilifu, jinsia, ajira za watoto na afya yameshughulikiwa kwa upana na utaalamu wa kupigiwa mfano. Mifano, michoro ya rangi na picha nyingi zimetumiwa ili kulifanya somo hili liwe la kuvutia zaidi. Mazoezi kemkem yanayozingatia vipengele vyote katika silabasi yamejumuishwa ili kumhusisha mwanafunzi kikamilifu. Kitabu hiki kinawalenga wanafunzi kutoka mazingira na jamii mbalimbali. Vilevile kitabu hiki kina mitihani ya majaribio ili kumwandaa mwanafunzi ipasavyo kwa mtihani wa K.C.P.E.
KShs630.00Kiswahili kwa darasa la 8
KShs630.00 -
Kiswahili Kwa Darasa la 8 Kitabu Cha Mwalimu by Watuha
by Watuha
Hii ni seti ya vitabu iliyojikita kwenye silabasi mpya ya shule za msingi na kunuiwa kuwasaidia wanafunzi kuongeza ujuzi wao wa lugha ya Kiswahili. Kila kitabu ni zao la utafiti wa kina wa mahitaji ya wanafunzi wa Kiswahili na kinakidhi matakwa yote ya lugha kwa kiwango husika.KShs560.00 -
Kiswahili Mufti Darasa la 8 by Wallah
by Wallah
Toleo hili la Kiswahili Mufti 8 linatimiza kikamilifu mahitaji na mada zote za silabasi mpya iliyoanza kutekelezwa shuleni kuanzia 2003. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa uangalifu mkubwa ili kiweze kueleweka vizuri zaidi na wanafunzi wote kutoka mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika katika vifungu vya ufahamu unaafikiana vyema zaidi na uwezo wa lugha wa wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Toleo hili limeshughulikia kikamilifu maswala ibuka kama vile teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano, katiba, rajua ya 2030, ufisadi na athari zake mbaya, mazingira, haki za watoto, UKIMWI, jinsia na maadili.KShs750.00Kiswahili Mufti Darasa la 8 by Wallah
KShs750.00 -
Kiswahili Mufti Kioo cha Mtihani Mwongozo wa Mwalimu by Joseph Mwamburi, Wallah …
by Joseph Mwamburi, Wallah Bin Wallah
Kiswahili Mufti 8: Mwongozo we Mwalimu unampa mwalimu maelezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafakaza kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini vipindi vya Kiswahili darasani. Mwongozo huu mpana sana unampa mwalimu maelekezo mwafaka yatakayomwezesha kuviandaa na kuviendesha vizuri vipindi vinavyoshughulikia vipengele vifuatavyo:
Mwongozo huu una mifano mwafaka ya maazimio ya kazi na ratilp ya vipindi itakayomwongoza mwalimu kuzingatia mbinu zifaazo za kutekeleza malengo yote ya somo. Pia, una majibu ya maswali yote yaliyomo kwenye kitabu cha wanafunzi.KShs744.00 -
Kiswahili Sanifu Darasa la 8 by Bakhressa
by Bakhressa
Kiswahili Sanifu (toleo jipya) ni kozi inayotokana na utafiti wa kina kuhusu mahitaji ya wanafunzi wa shule za msingi katika kujifunza lugha ya Kiswahili. Kozi hii itawawezesha wanafunzi kuinua viwango vyao vya msamiati. Pia itawapa fursa ya kupata na kutumia katika maisha yao maarifa mbalimbali watakayojifunza. Isitoshe, kozi hii itawapa nafasi ya kusoma kwa matengo anuwai na kujieleza kikamilifu wakitumia lugha ya Kiswahili sanifu.KShs784.00Kiswahili Sanifu Darasa la 8 by Bakhressa