Summit Science and Technology Learner’s Grade 5
Summit Science and Technology Learner’s Book is:
-User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow.
-Written in simple but articulate language.
-Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight.
-Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes.
– Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities.
– Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes.
-Current, covering the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) affecting learners today.
Summit Science and Technology Series is written by experienced teachers with a track record of assisting learners realise excellent performance and learning outcomes.
KShs673.00 -
Tadubiri za Insha Darasa la 5:Mbinu na Mapambo
by Tsalwa Abubakar, John M.ngeera
Tadubiri za Insha: Mbinu na Mapambo, Darasa la 5 ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi na ubunifu wa hali ya juu kwa madhumuni ya kukidhi mahitaji ya wanafunzi na walimu katika shule za msingi – darasa la tano. Lugha iliyotumika ni rahisi kueleweka na wanafunzi wote kutoka mazingira mbalimbali.Waandishi wa kitabu hiki ni walimu stadi wenye tajriba pana ya kufundisha na kutahini Kiswahili – ngazi ya KCPE kwa miaka mingi. Wameangazia kwa undani na kwa mapana na marefu mikakati, mbinu, taratibu, dhana, kunga, miundo, mapambo na vipengele vinginevyo muhimu katika uandishi wa insha za kuvutia na za kuzoa alama za juu zaidi. Hii ni kwa kuhakikisha kwamba kitabu hiki kitamwezesha mwanafunzi kuandika insha kwa namna na mtindo faridi wenye mnato wa kipekee.Mifano kadha ya insha mbalimbali imetolewa katika kitabu hiki ili kurahisisha uelewaji wa maelezo yaliyomo na pia kushadidia hoja muhimu.
KShs520.00 -
Targeter Combined Encyclopaedia Grade 5
KShs1,235.00 -
The Egg thief and other stories 5a
Queenex Supplementary Readers is a series of stories that are developed in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. This system of education aims to ensure that learners are well equipped with skills and competencies that they can use in their day-to-day lives.
KShs275.00The Egg thief and other stories 5a
KShs275.00 -
The Knife
The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learned in the main course.
Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last. Other titles for Class Five
5a Signs of Ageing
5b Not so Soon!
5c What a Big Bang!
5d Healer of Soles
5e No place to Hide
5f Take That!KShs296.00The Knife
KShs296.00 -
Tomi Atuzwa na Hadithi nyingine 5c
Queenex Hadithi za Ziada ni msururu wa hadithi zinazofuata mfumo mpya wa elimu. Mfumo huu wa elimu unadhamiria kuhakikisha kuwa matokeo ya mafunzo ni ujenzi wa umilisi utakaomwezesha mwanafunzi kutumia ujuzi wake kujiendeleza shuleni, nyumbani na katika jamii.
KShs275.00Tomi Atuzwa na Hadithi nyingine 5c
KShs275.00 -
Torch Encyclopedia Grade 5 (Spotlight)
Torch Encyclopedia Grade 5 is a well-researched and revolutionary series which aims to help learners handle tasks and activities as per the Grade 5 Competency-Based Curriculum. The activities have been meticulously developed to make them useful to both learners and teachers.
Key features:
* All content presented in Terms I, II & III per learning area.
* Numerous carefully researched authentic tasks.
* End of Term Assessment papers provided per learning area.
* Well-researched End of Year assessment papers per learning area that are structured as per the KNEC format.
* Answers to all activities can be downloaded from: www.spotlightpublishers.co.ke.
KShs1,500.00Torch Encyclopedia Grade 5 (Spotlight)