• Longhorn Environmental Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3 by John Gikaru, Eric Owino,…

    by John Gikaru, Eric Owino, Chris Mutua
    Longhorn Environmental Activities for Grade 3 is an approved course book that captures the expectations of the new competency-based curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It has the following unique features that support the teaching and learning process:
    Numerous learner-centred activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge.
    Carefully selected illustrations and photographs that support concepts to be learnt.
    A beautiful design that is easy to read and follow, with a predictable pattern that enhances learning.
    Practical learning points that develop skills that learners need at this level.
    Strictly adheres to the syllabus which gives it a sharp focus on all the competencies meant to be developed.
    Promotes environmental conservation and sustainability by suggesting safer ways of carrying out various activities.

  • Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Learner’s Book Grade … by Longhorn

    by Longhorn
    Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 3 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 3 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
    • Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities.
    • Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
    • Incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour Illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
    • Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.

  • Longhorn IRE Activities Grade 3 by Menza

    by Menza
    Longhorn IRE activities Grade 3 Learner’s Book, is the first competency-based book to be developed. This book categorically follows the New Competence-based Curriculum.
    This book actively engages the learner in class, in the school, at home, at the Mosque and elsewhere in the society. The learner freely and easily interacts with the book.
    This book comprehensively covers all the strands and sub-strands highlighted in the Grade 3 syllabus. It also has some unique features such as:
    Accompanying this Activity Book is a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide with competence-based Teaching Guidelines and assessment techniques.

  • Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti GD3 Mwalimu by Wallah

    by Wallah
    Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti, Gredi 3 (Mwongozo wa Mwalimu) ni kitabu ambacho kinampa mwalimu maelezo na maelekezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafaka za kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini uwezo wa utendaji wa wanafunzi na umahiri wao katika somo la Kiswahili.
    Mwongozo huu umeandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Pia, mwongozo huu umetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu.
    Vilevile, mwongozo huu una mifano mwafaka ya maazimio ya kazi, mpangilio wa funzo na ratiba ya vipindi itakayomwongoza mwalimu kuzingatia mbinu zinazofaa za kutekeleza malengo yote ya somo la Kiswahili kwa gredi ya tatu. Pia, mwongozo huu una majibu ya mazoezi na maswali ya marudio yote yaliyomo katika kitabu cha mwanafunzi.

  • Longhorn Kusoma Na Kuandika GD3 Mwalimu

    Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika katika Kiswahili, Mwongozo wa Mwalimu – Gredi 3 ni kitabu ambacho kinampa mwalimu maelezo na maelekezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafaka za kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini uwezo wa utendaji wa wanafunzi na umahiri wao katika somo la Kuandika na Kusoma katika Kiswahili.
    Mwongozo huu umeandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Pia, mwongozo huu umetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kusoma na Kuandika katika Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya kwanza. Vilevile, mwongozo huu una mifano mwafaka ya miazimio ya kazi, mpangilio wa funzo na ratiba ya vipindi itakayomwongoza mwalimu kuzingatia mbinu zinazofaa za kutekeleza malengo yote ya somo la Kusoma na Kuandika katika Kiswahili kwa gredi ya kwanza. Pia, mwongozo huu una majibu ya mazoezi na maswali ya marudio yote yaliyomo katika kitabu cha mwanafunzi.

  • Longhorn Kusoma na kuandika Katika Kiswahili Kitabu cha mwanafunzi Gredi 3


    Kusoma na kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi ya 3 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi
    wa maarifa.

    Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi, stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo mema na maadili ya kimaisha pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
    Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku pamoja na masuala na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari ili kukuza ujuzi wa mwanafunzi na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za kutatua matatizo ya wanafunzi katika jamii.

  • Longhorn Kusoma na kuandika Katika Kiswahili Kitabu cha mwanafunzi… by Longhorn

    by Longhorn

    Kusoma na kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi ya 3 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi
    wa maarifa.

    Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi, stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo mema na maadili ya kimaisha pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
    Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku pamoja na masuala na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari ili kukuza ujuzi wa mwanafunzi na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za kutatua matatizo ya wanafunzi katika jamii.

  • Longhorn Mathematics Activities GD3 Trs by Mwaniki

    by Mwaniki
    Longhorn  Mathematics Activities is a new series of books based on the new competency-based curriculum. The books promote the acquisition of core competencies, relevant skills, positive attitudes and values for life and practical application of the knowledge gained in class.
    Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are captured in the book as given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners for a responsible response to t.heir needs in the society.

  • Longhorn Mathematics Activities learner’s book Grade 3 by T. Mukhuri, M. Okello, M…

    by T. Mukhuri, M. Okello, M. Mwimani, J. Mwaniki, S. Ndinwa
    Longhorn Mathematics Activities Grade 3 Learner,  concise end comprehensive book developed in line with the new competency-based Curriculum for Grade 3. It is the book of choice to many learners and teachers in that it
    Strictly follows the competency-based learning approach that emphasizes mastery of concepts.
    Presents concepts and content through very interactive learner-centered activities set in the learner, environment
    involves the learner in the learning process through active participation and activities.
    Uses a very simple language to communicate concepts and comment clearly.
    Provides concise notes and numerous examples of each concept to enhance mastery
    Provides a practice exercise for each concept to give learners an opportunity to practice, and to assess their mastery of concepts.
    Contains full-color illustrations that clearly portray objects and concepts in their natural setting,
    Guides the teacher on the pedagogical approaches appropriate for implementing the new competency-based curriculum.
    The guide also provides answers to exercises and activities.

  • Longhorn Movement Activities GD3 Teachers


    Longhorn Movement Activities is a new series of books based on the new competency-based curriculum. The books promote the acquisition of core competencies, relevant skills, positive attitudes and values for life and practical application of the knowledge gained in class.

    Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are captured in the book as given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners for a responsible response to t.heir needs in the society.

  • Longhorn Music Activities GD3 Teachers by Adongo

    by Adongo
    Longhorn Music Activities is a new series of books based on the new competency-based curriculum. The books promote the acquisition of core competencies, relevant skills, positive attitudes and values for life and practical application of the knowledge gained in class.
    Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are captured in the book as given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners for a responsible response to t.heir needs in the society.

  • Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD3 (Vol 1)

    Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1-3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence-Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
    The coverage of work for each subject in a volume is structured into three terms. Each term’s work includes:

    • An opening Assessment to assess the learner’s entry behavior at the start of a term.
    • Well thought-out Activities, Summary Notes, Examples, Practice/Revision Exercises.
    • Mid Term, End of Term and End of Year Assessments.
    • Answers to all Practice/Revision Exercises and Assessments.
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