• Spotlight Visual Arts Grade 8 (Approved)

    Spotlight Visual Arts Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 8 learners in understanding Visual Arts skills and concepts in line with the curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Visual Arts Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The book is presented in a clear, simple and precise language to make learning interesting.

    Key features of the book:

    -Relevant learning experiences have been provided in form of interactive learning tasks, digital tasks, notes and extended learning tasks. All these are within the level of the learner.

    -All Visual Arts concepts and skills have been addressed as per curriculum demands.

    -Fosters across-the-board grasp of Visual Arts Grade 8 concepts and skills by providing step-by-step procedure for skill development and outdoor application.

    -Learner-centred, discovery-based and inquiry-based tasks have been applied to develop concepts, core competences, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).

    -Attractive full colour illustrations and relevant clear photographs have been used to clarify Visual Arts concepts.

    -A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

  • Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Du Secondaire Grade 8 (Approved)

    Longhorn Methode de francais 8 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilegie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.

    Ce manuel comprend 8 unités, ancrés chacune sur un théme qui sera abordé au travers des quatre compétences. Ces unités sont composées de supports divers ; principalement, des activités tirées de la vie quotidienne et des enregistrements. La phonétique est intégrée dans chaque unite afin d’aider l’’apprenant d perfectionner sa prononciation.

  • Moran Love Your Neighbour CRE Grade 8 (Approved)

    Love your neighbour Christian Religious Education for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills,knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Christian Religious Education Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills,values and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues and parental or guardian engagement in the

  • Spotlight Business Studies Grade 8 (Approved)

    Spotlight Business Studies Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 8 learners in understanding Business Studies concepts in line with the curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Business Studies Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The is presented in a clear, simple and precise language to make learning interesting.

    Key features of the book:

    -Relevant learning experiences have been provided in form of interactive tasks, debates, eLearning tasks, practice exercises, key learning points and extended learning tasks. All these are within the level of the learner.

    -All Business Studies concepts and skills have been addressed as per curriculum demands.

    -Fosters understanding of Business Studies Grade 8 concepts by use of real-life concepts, research and outdoor learning.

    -Learner-centred, discovery-based and inquiry-based tasks have been applied to develop concepts, core competences, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).

    -Attractive full colour illustrations and relevant clear photographs have been used to clarify Business Studies concepts.

    -Assessment questions and assessment checklists have been provided after each sub strand to encourage peer and self-assessment of taught concepts.

    -A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

  • Mentor Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved)

    Mentor Agriculture Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum Design. It will adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for Grade 8 Agriculture. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and core competencies, nurture values, address pertinent and contemporary issues and form positive attitude towards Agriculture.

    The language used is simple, clear and precise to make learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching of Agriculture.

  • Moran Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved)

    Moran Agriculture for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Agriculture Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues, community service learning and parental/guardian engagement in the activities.

  • Spotlight Agriculture Grade 8

    Spotlight Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to  greatly benefit Grade Eight learners in handling the New Curriculum Agriculture. It comprehensively covers the Grade 8 Agriculture Curriculum Design as per the Competency-based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    Key features of the book:

    -Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub strands and learning outcomes of the Grade 8 competency-based curriculum.

    -Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.

    -All Agricultural concepts and competencies are addressed per curriculum demands.

    -Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of Agricultural concepts by use of practical and group work activities.

    -Attractive full colour illustrations are used to clarify Agricultural concepts.

    -Develops concepts by using environment and real life experiences to foster skills, attitude and values in learners.

    -Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per sub strand. An Assessment Activity is provided at the end of each sub strand for formative assessment.

    -Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values and Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCls).

    -Detailed guidance for use of digital media to make learning enjoyable.

    -A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

  • Storymoja Spark Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved)

    Spark Agriculture Learner’s Book for Grade 8 is written in conformity with the competency based curriculum design to assist learners carry out various interactive learning activities.

    What this book offers you:

    -Variety of activities to engage learners in diverse and interactive experiences, fostering a comprehensive understanding of Agriculture concepts, values and skills.

    -Integration of ICT to enhance learner’s digital literacy and equip them with information-seeking skills, preparing them for the digital age.

    -Well-summarised notes for every topic that facilitate comprehension and retention of information, enabling learners to grasp concepts more effectively.

    -Adequate further activities to promote communication, collaboration, teamwork, and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and shared learning experiences.

    -Suggested alternative activities and resources to ensure that all learners can actively participate and engage with the material, regardless of their individual circumstances.

    -Assessment tasks after every sub-strand to enable learners to monitor their own learning, identify areas of improvement, and reinforce their understanding of concepts covered.

    -Safety tips to equip learners with essential safety knowledge and precautionary measures, ensuring a secure and responsible learning environment.

    This book comes along with the most comprehensive Teacher’s Guide.

  • KLB Top Scholar Computer Science Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar Computer Science Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Computer Science Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8 developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (ICO) The
    course book is intended to develop indepth knowledge of Computer Science concepts in the learner.

    The content covers the following concepts: Foundation of Computer Science; Computer and Society; Computer Networks: and Computer Programming.

  • OUP Business Studies Today Teachers Grade 8

    Business Studies Today is a series specially written to provide practice! experiences that support the acquisition of business skills for the competency-based curriculum. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating.

    The activities are aimed at enabling the learner to acquire the core competencies and values as well as embrace the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).

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