• Made Familiar: Vitendawili vya Juma na Bintiheri Level 8

    Juma na Bintiheri, ambao ni binamu, wanafunga safari ya kuzuru) Malindi na maeneo mengine ya pwani. Wanaandamana na wazazi wao. Wanayoshuhudia na kujifunza katika ziara hiyo yanakuza ndoto zao kuhusu utunzaji wa mazingira na kujivunia utamaduni wao chanya. Wangjifunza mengi kuhusu historia ya jamii za pwani na wageni waliowahi kuzuru maeneo hayo miaka na mikaka iliyopita. Jiunge na binamu hawa katika ziara yao ya kusisimua ili ujifunze mengi na kuburudika.

    Kitabu hiki kinalenga kunoa ubunifu) miongoni mwa wanafunzi, kuwachochea kushiriki katika utunzaji wa mazingira na kuwafunza kuhusu utamaduni na historia yao. Kwa hivyo, kitabu hiki kitafaa sana katika ufunzaji na ujifunzaji wa mada kama vile Natural and Built Environment, Historical Information na Early Civilization (Social Studies).

  • Made Familiar: What a Day! Level 8

    Pauline looks forward to the most exciting event in the school calendar. As she prepares for the day, a new girl joins her class, and her world is filled with a surprising new friendship. The cutest boy in the grade also joins their group, and Pauline looks forward to the special occasion they are all planning for. But without warning, the events that begin to unfold are not at all what Pauline has anticipated. Is there a bully in their midst and is bullying going on around her? What is in store for Pauline?

    This CBC Learner Support Material helps the learner to acquire and nurture key life skills and competences such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, peer mentorship, communication and collaboration. It also enhances the learning of Culture and Social organization as covered in Social Studies.

  • Made Familiar: Safari hatari Level 8

    Azizi na majasusi chipukizi wenzake wamepata ufadhili wa kuzuru na kupiga kambi katika mbuga ya wanyama ya Kito. Huko, wanagundua kuwa kuna njama ya kuwinda vifaru waliohamishwa katika mbuga hiyo. Wanaamua kufanya uchunguzi ili kuwafichua na kuwanasa mgjangili. Je, vijana hawa chipukizi watawezaje kukabiliana na majangili waliojihami? Je, juhudi zao zitazaa matunda?

    Kitabu hiki kinalenga kunoa ubunifu, uwazaji kina,ushirikiano pamoja na kujiamini miongoni mwa wasomaji lengwa. Vilevile, kinakuza utunzaji wa wanyama wa porini na mazingira kwa jumla jinsi inavyopendekezwa_ katika masomo kama vile Kiswahili, Agriculture na Social Studies.

  • Wema Hauozi (Access)

    Wema Hauozi ni tamthilia fupi inayochunguza mgonganokati ya wenye tamaa ya kutenda maovu na wenye kero dhidi ya tamaa hiyo. Mgongano huu una madhara makubwa kwa wenye ujasiri wa kukemea maovu hayo lakini yote hayo ni kwa muda tu. Kumbe ipo siku juhudi za kuuzika wema hushindwa na badala yake mbegu ya wema huchipuza na kuzagaza matawi yake kwa kila kiumbe kuona. Tamthilia hii yenye ucheshi imeandikwa kwa ufundi mkubwa unaokuacha ukiwa unajiuliza maswali ya kufikirisha ufikapo mwishoni.

    Dkt. Timothy M. Arege ni mwandishi wa tamthilia, mashairi na hadithi fupi. Tamthilia zake nyingine ni Chamchela, Mstahiki Meya, Kijiba cha Moyo, Majira ya Utasa, Duara, Si Shwari na Bembea ya Maisha. Kwa sasa Arege ni Mhadhiri Mkuu katika Idara ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta.

  • Made Familiar: The Strange Birds Level 8

    Jane’s family is relocating to a new home, but she is not excited. She is leaving behind her childhood memories and the only place she has known as home. But this is short lived. Their new home and school are full of @xciting adventures. There are unexpected strange birds living in their house. Everyone wants the birds out except Jane. Will she convince her family to keep the strange birds?

    This CBC Learner Support Material helps the learner to learn about the causes, impacts and how to deal with bullying. They also acquire numerous life skills such as self-esteem, leadership, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, decision making, stress management and empathy. It also complements the theme animal handling covered in Agriculture.

  • KLB Top Scholar CRE Grade 8 (Approved)

    Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB TopScholar Christian Religious Education Grade 8 Leamer’s Book has. therefore been developed to comprehensively meet the requirements of the Grade Eight CRE Competency Based Curriculum.

  • KLB Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum for Grade 8. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes in the Curriculum Design.

    The following are key features of the book:

    -The learning methods used include question and answer, inquiry (discovery), discussion, resource persons, games and simulation, role-plays, field trips, debating, demonstration and project works.

    -Digital learning is well incorporated across the book.

    -Activities for parental engagements cut across the book.

    -All activities are geared towards discovery learning.

    -There are: Test Yourself Exercises as well as Further Learning Activities after the sub strands.

    The book is authored by a team of competent and experienced authors and teachers of technical studies in Kenya. This Learner’s Book is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and procured by the Government of Kenya for use by Grade Eight Learners in all Junior Schools.

  • KLB Top Scholar IRE Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar Islamic Religious Education Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers IRE Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8. The course book is intended to develop an depth knowledge of Islamic Religious Education concepts in the learner.

    The content covers the following concepts: Quran; Hadith; Pillars of iman; Devotional Acts; Akhlaq; Muamalat and Islamic Heritage and Civilisation.

  • KLB Top Scholar Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar Mathematics Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Concepts in Mathematics outlined in the Competence Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8.

    The course book is intended to develop in-depth knowledge of Mathematics and logical reasoning in the learner. The content covers the following concepts: Numbers, Algebra, Measurements, Geometry, Data Handling and Probability.

    This course book has the following salient features:

    -Activities that involve the learner in the teaching and learning process through discussions with other learners.

    -The activities guide the learner through the simple known-to-unknown approach.

    -Competences including Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem-solving, Imagination and Creativity, Citizenship, Learning to learn, Self-efficacy and Digital Literacy.

    -Extended learning and problem-solving engagements that provide learners with the opportunity to relate and apply lessons learned to the community set up.

    -Clear and crisp illustrations that enrich the learning process.

    -Varied review and assessment exercises that are aligned to Competency Based Assessment (CBA) as designed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) Test and Evaluation Model

  • KLB Top Scholar Home Science Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar Home Science Learner’s Book for Grade 8 is designed to equip the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life, The concepts presented are based on the Competency Based Curriculum Grade 8 Home
    Science by KICD and build on the concepts introduced in  earlier grades of learning,

    The book comprehensively covers the curriculum design and is written in clear, simple language with ample illustrations and a simple layout. The inquiry approach used is intended to help learners acquire the core competencies prescribed in the Competency Based Curriculum System of education.

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