• Mentor Social Studies Grade 8 (Approved)

    Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade’8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade 8 Social Studies Curriculum design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve specific learning outcomes for social studies Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address Pertinent and Contemporary Issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

  • Moran Performing Arts Grade 8

    Moran Performing Arts for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of the required knowledge, skills, competencies, values and attitudes presented in
    Performing Arts Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary values and attitudes to explore and apply Performing Arts skills and concepts in their immediate environment and day-to-day experiences.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.
    -Presents adequate activities to illustrate each concept.
    -Provides real life activities based on the learner’s day-to-day experiences.
    -Presents adequate practice exercises for the learner to practise the skill and concept learnt.

  • KLB Top Scholar English Grade 8 (Approved)

    KLB TopScholar English Grade 8 Learner’s Book is based on the English Grade Eight Competency Based Curriculum. The activities are learner-centred and allow the learners to discover and create knowledge through doing rather than memorising facts collaboratively and individually.

    Adequate activities are provided for each strand and sub-strand. enabling the learners to practise and master the required language skills. namely, listening and speaking. reading. grammar in use and writing, and to acquire the required competencies.

    Useful explanations of concepts are well integrated with the activities in the book, to enable the leamers to grasp concepts easily and acquire the. target skills without much difficulty.

    All the learning activities ore formulated in a simple language that is intelligible to Grade 8 Junior School teamers. The numerous activities are dexterously designed in a way that integrates all the pertinent and contemporary issues, and values making learning an all-round process.

    The book contains activities designed to offer sufficient minimal parent or caregiver engagement ensuring learning takes place outside the classroom at home and within the community.

  • Mentor CRE Grade 8 (Approved)

    Christian Religious Education (CRE) Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Eight Christian Religious Education (CRE) Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for Christian Religious Education (CRE) Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address Pertinent and Contemporary Issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Christian Religious Education (CRE).

  • Moran Physical Education & Sports Grade 8

    Moran Physical Education and Sports for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Physical Education and Sports Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary guidance in performing the skills under development and the quest to learn.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.
    -Gives clear guidance and procedures of performing the specified skills.
    -Gives clear guidance on improvisation of equipment and facility using locally available material.

  • Longhorn Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved)

    Longhorn Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 8 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    -Appealing and eye friendly design for ease of reading.
    -Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.
    -Relevant, well drawn and full colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.
    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Agriculture through discovery, using hands-on activities.
    -Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.
    -Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

  • Wema Hauozi (Access)

    Wema Hauozi ni tamthilia fupi inayochunguza mgonganokati ya wenye tamaa ya kutenda maovu na wenye kero dhidi ya tamaa hiyo. Mgongano huu una madhara makubwa kwa wenye ujasiri wa kukemea maovu hayo lakini yote hayo ni kwa muda tu. Kumbe ipo siku juhudi za kuuzika wema hushindwa na badala yake mbegu ya wema huchipuza na kuzagaza matawi yake kwa kila kiumbe kuona. Tamthilia hii yenye ucheshi imeandikwa kwa ufundi mkubwa unaokuacha ukiwa unajiuliza maswali ya kufikirisha ufikapo mwishoni.

    Dkt. Timothy M. Arege ni mwandishi wa tamthilia, mashairi na hadithi fupi. Tamthilia zake nyingine ni Chamchela, Mstahiki Meya, Kijiba cha Moyo, Majira ya Utasa, Duara, Si Shwari na Bembea ya Maisha. Kwa sasa Arege ni Mhadhiri Mkuu katika Idara ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta.

  • OUP Active Mathematics Grade 8(Approved)

    Active Mathematics is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the
    Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)..

    Active Mathematics, Learner’s Book Grade 8 has:

    -Why learn this sections aimed at helping learners to appreciate the application of the concept learnt in real life.
    -Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire practical skills to solve problems in their environment.
    -Engage sections aimed at introducing the learners to the various concepts.
    -Numerous assessment exercises for independent revision by the learners.
    -Reflect sections that allow learners to recap what they have learnt during the lesson.
    -Extended activity sections to allow learners to engage family in the learning process.
    -Digital activity sections that allow learners to apply ICT in learning.

  • Moran Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved)

    Moran Agriculture for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Agriculture Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues, community service learning and parental/guardian engagement in the activities.

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