• Moran First Steps Environmental PP1 Tr’s (Approved by Omondi

    by Omondi
    First Steps Environmental Activities is a competency based course developed to equip the learners with necessary competences, skills, values and knowledge geared towards developing the learner in all aspects. The course employs an inquiry based approach to learning in all activities which equips learners with skills and the quest to learn and discover on their own.
    The course:

    • Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to learn
    • Has a variety of activities which enable learners to explore and learn
    • Covers all the outcomes in the syllabus
    • Has activities which integrate the core competences, values and pertinent and contemporary issues
    • Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning of the children
    • Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.
  • KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor Act PP1 Trs (Approved) by Atieno

    by Atieno
    KLB Skillgrow Psychomotor and Creative Activities Pre-Primary 1 Teacher’s Guide is designed to assist the teacher deliver the new Pre-Primary Competency-Based Curriculum. It provides the most suitable approach in the coverage of the Strands and Sub-strands prescribed in the curriculum design through a wide and varied range of activities to ensure all the core values and links to other activity areas are brought out as spelt out in the curriculum design. The teacher’s guide has clearly highlighted all the pertinent and contemporary issues that are of relevance to the activity area. The whole approach is aimed at equipping the learner with 21st century skills.
    The guide effectively assists the teacher in lesson preparation, presentation and assessment; and suggests practical activities and accompanying resources as required. The teacher will find the guide very useful in the delivery of this new inquiry based curriculum.

  • Mentor Mathematical act PP2 Trs (Approved) by Okeyo,Mwebi

    by Okeyo, Mwebi
    About this Teacher’s Guide This Teacher’s Guide has been developed to facilitate the teacher while implementing the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).The Teacher’s Guide will assist the teacher to come up with interesting and appropriate activities to achieve the specific learning outcomes, develop core competencies, integrate key inquiry questions and nurture desirable values.The teacher is also guided on how the activities will empower learners to effectively address issues and challenges in their day to day life. In addition, the guide also makes cross reference to the learners’ workbook that accompanies the Teacher’s Guide.The guide aims at providing guidance to the teacher in developing activities for learners and stimulating discussions among the learners. It is always advisable that the teacher prepares adequately for the learning experiences well in advance.A number of learning experiences that the learners could engage in have been suggested.The teacher is not limited to the activities and pictures in the Teacher’s Guide and learner’s workbook but can generate more activities and pictures from examples given.

  • Mentor CRE Activities PP2 Trs (Approved) by Gathogo

    by Gathogo
    About this Teacher’s Guide This Teacher’s Guide has been developed to facilitate the teacher while implementing the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). The Teacher’s Guide will assist the teacher to come up with interesting and appropriate activities to achieve the specific learning outcomes, develop core competencies, integrate key inquiry questions and nurture desirable values. The teacher is also guided on how the activities will empower learners to effectively address issues and challenges in their day to day life. In addition, the guide also makes a cross-reference to the learners’ workbook that accompanies the Teacher’s Guide. The guide aims at providing guidance to the teacher in developing activities for learners and stimulating discussions among the learners. It is always advisable that the teacher prepares adequately for the learning experiences well in advance. A number of learning experiences that the learners could engage in have been suggested. The teacher is not limited to the activities and pictures in the Teacher’s Guide and learner’s workbook but can generate more activities and pictures from examples given.

  • Skillgrow IRE Activities PP2 Trs (Approved) by Ibrahim

    by Ibrahim
    Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Teacher’s Guide is a book that gives information to the teacher. It spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub-strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach all the lessons. It provides learning resources and experiences for every lesson, which call for prior preparation on the part of both the teacher and learner. The teacher is guided on specific preparations to be done before the lesson to improve on his or her delivery.
    This Teacher’s Guide takes the teaching of every strand and sub-strand step by step with information that will help the teacher achieve desired outcomes for each iesson. The Key Inquiry Questions have been provided to help the teacher focus on direct learning towards the expected lesson outcomes and ultimately acquisition of competences by the learner.
    This Guide shows links to pertinent and contemporary issues and values to be developed in every lesson. It also shows the link to the strand, sub-strand or activities in other learning areas. It further gives suggestions to non-formal activities that would enhance learning and Community service learning by the learner. Useful tips are extensively employed on integrative teaching particularly where multi-ability learning is used to cater for learners of varied abilities.
    Suggested methods of assessment for every lesson to enable the teacher monitor
    the progress of the learner using formative assessment tools are adequately
    provided. Assessment rubrics are included in the guide to enable the teacher monitor the achievement of the learner in terms of the expected outcomes and competences and take necessary action. There is also clear cross-referencing between the Guide and the Learner’s Workbook for ease in following while teaching.

  • Mastering Number work PP1

    Mastering Number Work is a book intended for use by pre-primary Il pupils. It has been thoroughly researched on and introduces pupils to the simplest and most basic ways of mathematics.
    The unique strength of the book lies in the following areas:
    * New curriculum concepts and skills with a variety of activities.
    * Variety of exercises that test understanding of concept and skills learnt.
    * Enough revision exercises for remedial work.

  • KLB Skillgrow IRE Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner’s Workbook by Idris M. Makokha, Farida…

    by Idris M. Makokha, Farida Imbuila Ibrahim, Amina Atilala Suleiman
    Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner’s Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum Design The experiences have been aligned with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. This Workbook is also majorly illustrated to enliven the content with the text following the design closely Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner’s Workbook has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the child’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Islamic Religious Activities Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them Therefore, every lesson has something to draw from learner’s day-to-day activities

  • Moran ECD Workbook Early English Level 3 by Wambugu

    by Wambugu
    Moran ECD Workbooks are easy-to-use and interactive resources for Early Childhood Education. These are unique workbooks for they make learning fun-filled. They can be used both at school and at home. Apart from being useful resources to the teacher, they provide a platform where parents can supervise their children as they practise with these books at home.

  • MTP Pre-Primary CRE Activities 2 by MTP

    by MTP
    MTP Pre Primary CRE Activities 2 is specially designed to reflect the aspirations of the New Competency Based Curriculum as released by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (K.I.C.D.).

    • By the end of Pre Primary 2. the learner will learn be able to;
    • Demonstrate God’s love through all creation in their lives.
    • Demonstrate the word of God through prayer, saying simple memory verses and singing Christian songs for their spiritual growth.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the person of Jesus Christ and emulate him in their daily lives.
    • Apply Christian values in their interaction with others from diverse cultural background for harmonious co-existence.
    • Appreciate the church as a house of God for their spiritual nourishment.
  • EAEP Fun with Mathematical Activities Pre-P2(Appr) by Patrick Kiswili

    by Patrick Kiswili
    Fun with mathematical activities is a comprehensive course book based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum (20 I 8).This Pre-Primary 2, Pupil’s book, is presented in a simple way Learners at this level will enjoy using this book
    The key features of the book include relevant and well-drawn color illustrations; • a variety of competency-based learning activities: • suggestions for parents’ involvement in the continuous learning process, at home and • songs and poems at the end of the book.
    The author, Patrick Kiswili, is an educational publisher with a high competence in Mathematics and Science.

  • KLB Skillgrow Environmental Activities Pre-Primary Learner’s Workbook 1 by KLB

    by KLB
    Environmental Activities Pre-Primary I Learner’s Workbook has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new competency-based curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes and suggested learning experiences. This learner’s workbook has used a variety of learning activities including homework, parental involvement, outdoor activities, observations, singing, reciting poems, colouring and drawing.All these learning activities are meant to task the learner to discover the knowledge on their own and apply what they have learnt in solving simple problems around them.

  • KLB Skillgrow Environmental Activities by KLB

    by KLB
    Environmental Activities Pre-Primary 2 Learner’s Workbook has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new competency-based curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes and suggested learning experiences.
    This learner’s workbook has used a variety of learning activities including homework, parental involvement, outdoor activities, observations, singing, reciting poems, colouring and drawing. All these learning activities are meant to task the learner to discover the knowledge on their own and apply what they have learnt in solving simple problems around them.

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