• Longhorn Psychomotor and Creative Act PP2 Trs(Appr by Lukokolo

    by Lukokolo
    Longhorn Psychomotor and Creative  Activities for Pre-Primary 2 Teacher’s Guide is a unique book specifically designed to guide pre-primary level teachers to implement the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary Environmental Activities education.
    The book:
    • provides clearly stated specific learning outcomes at the start of each sub-strand;
    • presents the suggested learning experiences in six areas: introduction of the sub-strand, whole class activities, small group activities, learner’s book activities, conclusion and suggested assessment;
    • provides hints on how to link the Psychomotor and Creative  Activities to other activity areas;
    • guides the teacher on how to help learners to develop the core competences, build pertinent and contemporary issues and acquire values;
    • provides useful guidelines in content interpretation and application to make learning of Psychomotor and Creative  activities interesting and enjoyable;
    • enhances learning of Psychomotor and Creative Activities through suggested teaching and learning activities and resources;
    • provides the necessary hints on how to handle children with special needs;
    • provides guidance in evaluation of learners through the suggested assessment rubrics.

  • Longhorn Mathematical Activities PP2 Trs (Appr) by Okello

    by Okello
    Longhorn Mathematical Activities for Pre-Primary 2 Teacher’s Guide is a unique book specifically designed to guide pre-primary level teachers to implement the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary Environmental Activities education.
    The book:
    • provides clearly stated specific learning outcomes at the start of each sub-strand;
    • presents the suggested learning experiences in six areas: introduction of the sub-strand, whole class activities, small group activities, learner’s book activities, conclusion and suggested assessment;
    • provides hints on how to link the Mathematical  Activities to other activity areas;
    • guides the teacher on how to help learners to develop the core competences, build pertinent and contemporary issues and acquire values;
    • provides useful guidelines in content interpretation and application to make learning of Mathematical  activities interesting and enjoyable;
    • enhances learning of Mathematical  Activities through suggested teaching and learning activities and resources;
    • provides the necessary hints on how to handle children with special needs;
    • provides guidance in evaluation of learners through the suggested assessment rubrics.

  • Longhorn CRE Activities PP1 Trs (Appr) by Ndung’u,Muchiri

    by Ndung’u, Muchiri
    Longhorn CRE Activities for Pre-Primary I Teacher’s Guide is a unique book specifically designed to guide pre-primary level teachers to implement the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary CRE Activities education.
    The book:
    • provides clearly stated specific learning outcomes at the start of each sub-strand;
    • presents the suggested learning experiences in six areas: introduction of the sub-strand, whole class activities, small group activities, learner’s book activities, conclusion and suggested assessment;
    • provides hints on how to link CRE Activities to other activity areas;
    • guides the teacher on how to help learners to develop the core competences, build pertinent and contemporary issues and acquire values;
    • provides useful guidelines in content interpretation and application to make learning of CRE Activities interesting and enjoyable;
    • enhances learning of CRE Activities through suggested teaching and learning activities and resources;
    • provides the necessary hints on how to handle children with special needs;
    • provides guidance in evaluation of learners through the suggested assessment rubrics.

  • KLB Skillgrow CRE Activities PP2 Trs (Approved) by Ondieki

    by Ondieki

    KLB Skillgrow Christian Religious Activities Pre-Primary 2 Teacher’s Guide is a self-sufficient book that spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub-strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach all the lessons. It further gives activities that need to be done within the lesson to develop the expected competences. Most of the activities in the Learner’s Workbook are those that require guidance from the teacher but do not make learners passive recipients of knowledge but actively involve them in the learning process. Mostly, they call for prior preparation on the part of both the teacher and the learner and this has been spelt out in this Teacher’s Guide.
    This Teacher’s Guide has a step-by-step teaching of every strand and sub-strand with information that will help the teacher achieve desired outcomes for each sub-strand. The Key Inquiry Questions have been provided to focus the teacher to guide the learning towards the expected lesson competences. There is also clear cross-referencing between the Guide and the Learner’s Workbook to make it easy for the teacher to refer to both.
    This Guide has useful tips on integrative teaching particularly where multi-ability learning is supposed to be used to cater for learners of varied abilities. The ways to support learners with special needs have been provided. It also has suggested methods of assessment for every lesson to enable the teacher to monitor the progress of the learner using formative assessment tools. Suggested rubrics are included in this Guide to enable the teacher monitor the achievement of learners in light of the expected competences and take necessary action.
    The Guide shows links to pertinent and contemporary issues and values to be developed in every lesson. It also shows links to strands, sub-strands or activities in other learning areas. It further gives suggestions to non-formal activities that would enhance non-formal learning and community service learning by the learner.

  • KLB Skillgrow Mazoezi ya Lugha Hatua 1 Trs … by Wandera

    by Wandera
    KLB Mazoezi ya Kiswahiil Hatua ya Kwanza (Mwongozo wa Mwalimu) ni kitabu mojawapo kati ya vitabu vinavyochapishwa na Kenya Literature Bureau vya msururu wa KLB Visionary. Msururu huu wa vitabu umezingatia Mtalaa wa kiumilisi wa mwaka wa 2017 wa masomo ya shule za msingi.
    Kitabu hiki kimekusudiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wa kutumia stadi zote nne za lugha ya Kiswahili; Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na Kuandika. Kupitia stadi hizi, mwanafunzi anakuza uwezo wake wa lugha.
    Toleo hili limejumuisha mambo muhimu ambayo yanachangia ujifunzaji wa sasa ambayo ni masuala mtambuko, maswali dadisi, masuala ya jinsia, utendaji wa mwanafunzi, picha murua za kuchangamsha na kuibua hamu ya kudadisi kwa mwanafunzi na mbinu tofauti za kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wake wa kujifunza. Mazingira halisi ya mwanafunzi yamezingatiwa katika kukuza kazi hii. Hili linamwezesha mwanafunzi kujifunza katika hali halisi. Lugha sahili imetumika ili kurahisisha kuelewa kwa mada zote katika kitabu.
    Msururu huu wa KLB Visionary umeshughulikiwa na jopo la walimu stadi wenye tajriba_ maalum katika kiwango cha shule ya msingi cha ujifunzaji. Kitabu hiki kimetolewa pamoja na Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi ambacho kitamwezesha mwalimu au msaidizi wa mwanafunzi kushughulikia kikamilifu mada zote zilizoko kwenye mtalaa.

  • KLB Skillgrow Mazoezi ya Lugha PP2 Trs (Appr) by Wandera

    by Wandera
    KLB Mazoezi ya Kiswahiil Hatua ya Pili (Mwongozo wa Mwalimu) ni kitabu mojawapo kati ya vitabu vinavyochapishwa na Kenya Literature Bureau vya msururu wa KLB Visionary. Msururu huu wa vitabu umezingatia Mtalaa wa kiumilisi wa mwaka wa 2017 wa masomo ya shule za msingi.
    Kitabu hiki kimekusudiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wa kutumia stadi zote nne za lugha ya Kiswahili; Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na Kuandika. Kupitia stadi hizi, mwanafunzi anakuza uwezo wake wa lugha. Toleo hili limejumuisha mambo muhimu ambayo yanachangia ujifunzaji wa sasa ambayo ni masuala mtambuko, maswali dadisi, masuala ya jinsia, utendaji wa mwanafunzi, picha murua za kuchangamsha na kuibua hamu ya kudadisi kwa mwanafunzi na mbinu tofauti za kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wake wa kujifunza. Mazingira halisi ya mwanafunzi yamezingatiwa katika kukuza kazi hii. Hili linamwezesha mwanafunzi kujifunza katika hali halisi. Lugha sahili imetumika ili kurahisisha kuelewa kwa mada zote katika kitabu.
    Msururu huu wa KLB Visionary umeshughulikiwa na jopo la walimu stadi wenye tajriba_ maalum katika kiwango cha shule ya msingi cha ujifunzaji. Kitabu hiki kimetolewa pamoja na Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi ambacho kitamwezesha mwalimu au msaidizi wa mwanafunzi kushughulikia kikamilifu mada zote zilizoko kwenye mtalaa.

  • KLB Skillgrow Language PP1 Trs (Approved)

    KLB Skillgrow Language Activities Teacher’s Guide for Pre-Primary 1 is designed to aid teachers/care givers lead the learner to develop knowledge and attitudes in language. It illustrates to the teacher how to assess learner potential and weakness thus enabling them to design gppropriate learning paths for the learner.
    The key inquiry questions suggested for every lesson enables the teacher to identify the competencies the learner is expected to develop as they undertake given activities. Assessment rubrics for each lesson are provided in the text. With this, the teacher is able to monitor and evaluate the learner’s progress.

  • KLB Skillgrow Language PP2 Trs (Approved) by Wambiri

    by Wambiri
    KLB Skillgrow Language Activities Teacher’s Guide for Pre-Primary 2 is designed to aid teachers/caregivers lead the learner to develop knowledge and attitudes in language. It illustrates to the teacher how to assess learner potential and weakness thus enabling them to design appropriate learning paths for the learner.
    The key inquiry questions suggested for every lesson enables the teacher to identify the competencies the learner is expected to develop as they undertake given activities. Assessment rubrics for each lesson are provided in the text. With this, the teacher is able to monitor and evaluate the learner’s progress.

  • I Love Me by Ahluwalia

    by Ahluwalia
    Help your children cope with stress.
    Even young children experience stress. The stress can arise from social pressures or trying to live up to expectations, etc. Although you cannot protect your child from stress, you can help your child develop healthy ways to cope. Here are five helpful steps that you can take to help your child:
    Seek advice from a family member, teacher or health professional if you think that your child needs further help.

  • Storymoja Know More Environmental Pre-Primary 1 by Ahmed

    Know More Environmental Activities Learner’s Workbook for Pre-Primary 1 is written in conformity to the new competence-based curriculum design to assist learners to carry out various interactive learning activities and experiences. This will, in turn, provide learners with opportunities to develop core competencies, core values, skills, and attitudes.
    Key features
    • A detailed coverage of all the required curriculum design strands and sub-strands.
    • Interactive learner-centered learning activities and experiences.
    • Choice of learning activities that take care of learners with special needs.
    • Learner-centred activity questions for each learning experience.
    • Use of clear, varied, relevant, and well-captioned illustrations to support the text.
    • Interactive activity questions for each learning experience.
    • Community service-learning activities that help in building collaborative relationships between schools and families.
    • Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the learning activities.
    • Promotion of inclusivity and gender parity through text and illustrations.

  • Moran ECD Workbook Handwriting Level 1 by Wambugu

    by Wambugu

    Moran ECD Workbooks are easy-to-follow and interactive resources for Early Childhood Education. Finally, here is the real deal! With these workbooks, learning at this level is fun! Furthermore, they can be used both at school and at home.They provide a good platform for home schooling by parents, apart from being wonderful resources that can be used by the teacher.

  • Skyline CRE Workbook Pre-Primary 2 (Approved) by Ndirangu

    by Ndirangu
    Skyline Pre-Primary 2 CRE has been authored and prepared by experienced teachers. It is designed to help a child in attaining basic key skills.
    ° It covers the entire Pre-Primary 2 CRE Competency Based Syllabus as provided by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).
    ° The book has ample picture presentations to illustrate various concepts.
    ° It offers teaching areas topically and this helps the pupils attain skills with ease.
    ° It utilizes a learner’s friendly language and also has current information to help the pupils familiarize with the current affairs.
    ° The’ book also helps the learner in gaining of emotional, physical, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development skills.
    ° The book has ample practice on competency areas to help pupils in revision.
    ° Helps pupils apply creative, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
    ° The book has various colourful pictures that help the pupils interact with competency areas.

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