• The Havoc of Choice

    by Wanjiru Koinange

    Long held captive by her father’s shadow of corruption, Kavata has spent her life suffocated by political machinations. When her husband decides to run in the next election, these shadows threaten to consume her home. Unable to bear this darkness, Kavata plots to escape. As her family falls apart, so too does her country. In the wake of Kenya‘s post-election turmoil, Kavata and her family must find their way back to each other across a landscape of nation-wide confusion, desperation, and heart-rending loss.

    Koinange explores the long reach and effects of colonization and corruption within the context of a singular household and the disparate experiences of class and clan they encapsulate.

    “The Havoc of Choice is a delicate and deeply personal attempt to understand the root of this spontaneous yet organized conflict and to figure out what healing looks like for the people of Kenya”

    ISBN: 9789966822000

    The Havoc of Choice

  • The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do and how to change

    by Charles Duhigg

    The Power of Habit (2012) unveils the science behind habit formation and change, making it a valuable read. Key highlights include: The book uncovers the psychology and neuroscience behind our daily routines. It presents practical strategies for replacing bad habits with positive ones.

    ISBN: 9781847946249

  • The Psychology of Money

    by Morgan Housel

    DOING well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people.

    Money investing, personal finance, and business decisions is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together.

    ISBN: 9780857197689

  • The Richest Man in Babylon

    by George S.Clason

    The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason is a personal financial classic and a book that I have enjoyed It was written in and has a poetic style telling stories with financial concepts in the form of parables These stories not only discuss our relationship with money but also a broader life philosophy It s concept oriented and meant to stand the test of time without using financial jargon The book illustrates the purpose and meaning that we can create in our life by using money wisely We often get caught up in the details of a certain investment or account type but this book takes a step back and addresses fundamental wealth creation principles to live a happier more prosperous life in the long hall

    ISBN: 9780451205360

  • Thursdays

    by Jackson Biko

    Vina Wira band
    On the drum is a guy who writes code
    The lead singer is gifted songstress redefining what society wants her to be.
    The bass guitarist and vocalist hides himself under an electric personality. The moody fellow at the songwriter and a pianist, born to privilege but with the darkness that cant fit in a travelling bag.

    The band is struggling. Every Thursday they play in the streets of Nairobi, outside a building that houses a recording label they will sign them, give them their big break. At night, they play in a shady bar overlooking a junkyard with dismembered vehicles.
    They are hungry to make it.
    But does the universe share their hunger?

    ISBN: 9789914705287


  • Unplugged

    by Jacob Aliet

    Today, marriage rates are declining. Forty per cent of single black women in the US are single mothers who prioritize getting babies over getting in a stable long-term commitment, aka marriage. Why do many young girls today prefer becoming side chicks to high-value men rather than settling in marriage with an average man?

    In 2019, the American Psychological Association labelled traditional masculinity as harmful. But if so, why are women striving to be like men? What is the impact of masculine females on relationships? Why are women being told to “act like a lady and think like a man” if masculinity is harmful?

    What attracts women to men, and how can men maintain that attachment? In the age of social media, where women get free attention and validation from hundreds of men, how do men in long term relationships deal with partners who feel they have so many options?

    Women file for divorce 70-80% of the time in the western world. How can men navigate marriage with modern women incentivized to divorce by divorce laws? Why did the Greeks equate the feminine with chaos, represented as the goddess Pandora? Why are most oracles in epics female, and why did God tell Adam that his first sin was listening to Eve?

    On average, men’s handgrip strength, testosterone levels, and overall masculinity is declining, while women’s enrolment rates in universities have outstripped those of men. Among trans adults, the majority are men who say they were born female. Why? Why is masculinity on the decline?

    In 2021, before a whole school assembly at Brauer College in Victoria, Australia, the male students were all told to stand up, turn to a girl in their class and say sorry. Yet they had done nothing wrong. Based on Census Bureau historical data and Morgan Stanley forecasts, 45% of prime working-age women (ages 25-44) will be single by 2030—the largest share in history—up from 41% in 2018.

    This book traces the origin of the steady decline of the man’s role in the family. It also seeks to help men understand female nature, revitalize masculinity and build full-stack men who can navigate relationships while providing leadership in an increasingly gynocentric world that has largely silenced men.


    This book will plug you from comforting lies to cold hard truths.

    ISBN: 9798486942273


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